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Questions You Need to Answer while Exporting from Nigeria

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When you want to export from Nigeria you are obliged to register at NEPC. Registering as an exporter will give you several additional benefits. Please answer the questions below regarding e-registration (as exporter).

Do you know the requirements for registration as an exporter?


• NO

Are you already registered as an exporter with NEPC?


• NO

In order to develop your export business into a success, you should make sure that you understand your target market(s). Please answer the questions below and find out if you already understand your market(s)!

Do you know the export potential of your product in international markets?


• NO

Have you identified a market for your product?


 • NO

In order to develop your export business into a success, you should make sure that you understand your target market(s). Please answer the questions below and find out if you already understand your market(s)!

Do you know how to enter the preferred market?


 • NO

Do you know if your product will be acceptable in the preferred market in its current form?


• NO

Having a complete export plan is essential in doing export business. Answer the questions below to find out your current status with respect to developing your own export plan.

Does your management have a long-term commitment to export?


 • NO

Do you have an export plan?

A complete export plan includes:

• Best market selection and segment,

• Definition of your unique value proposition (what do you offer, what makes you different from your competitors)

• Selection of the best distribution channel (distributors, retailers, end user, etc.)

• Selection of promotional instruments (website, social media presence, brochures, catalogues, trade fairs, etc.),

• Selection of a competitive pricing mechanism


 • NO

Do you have the human resources, including relevant export skills and knowledge?


 • NO

Do you have effective promotional materials for foreign markets?

Including the right message (unique value proposition, tone-of-voice)


 • NO

To export from Nigeria you should follow the appropriate export procedure. This is a formal process in conducting international trade in Nigeria. Certain export documents are attached to this procedure. Check here if you are fully aware of the right procedures and documents by answering the questions below.

Do you know the procedures and steps involved in exporting from Nigeria?


 • NO

Are you aware of the various documents required for export?

Including documents with respect to:

• Exporter registration

• Export contract

• Quality assurance

• Commercial invoice and packing list

• Export financial issues

• Goods movement


 • NO

If you want to export, make sure you fully understand the basic terms of shipping (including pricing and documentation). Please answer the questions below to find out if you have the sufficient logistics knowledge already.

Have you identified the best freight options available to you offered by freight forwarders, sales agents, importers, etc?


 • NO

Do you understand your responsibility and obligation under the INCOTERMS* 2020?

*International Commercial Terms


 • NO

To become a successful export venture you need to have the right knowledge about export pricing methods. This always includes all items meant for costing and the way your products are provided. Answer the questions outlined and check directly if you are ready in terms of pricing!

Do you understand the total costs of exports?

Including items such as packaging, warehousing, transportation, levies, forwarding cost, cost of finance, export documentation processes, promotion, visiting the market(s), and potentially other ones.


 • NO

Do you know the different pricing methods for exports?


 • NO

As an exporter you have to make sure you get your export financing right. Keep in mind that you must be able to fund your export contract, make sure you get paid, and more. Check out if you are fully aware of all export financing details by answering these following questions.

Do you have sufficient financial resources to export?


 • NO

Have you explored existing funding options?

Such as governmental export incentives, commercial banks, factoring, and more.


 • NO

Do you understand the payment options for international transaction?


 • NO

When you export it is important to be aware of legal requirements of exports in Nigeria. Answer the questions below to see if you know everything about legal issues yet.

Do you understand fully the legal rights and obligations of your export contract?


 • NO

Are you aware of dispute resolution and arbitration mechanisms in exports?


 • NO

Are you aware of the governmental and legal requirements for exports in Nigeria?

Including product prohibitions and the export proceed repatriation.


 • NO

Are you aware of the legal requirements of your product in the importing country?

Such as relevant food safety measurements and requirements if applicable, prohibited products, or other legal requirements.


 • NO


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Slabfreight Nigeria Limited is a full-service supply chain and logistics, freight forwarding services provider headquartered in Ogba Lagos Nigeria. 


Lagos Office:
1, Sand Avenue, opposite lounge 95, Ifako, Agege


  • Email:
  • Phone: +234 706 714 6399,
    090 2845 2782
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